Monday, October 4, 2010

what i needed(ini buka puisi cuma luahan hati)

all my life im searching the person that has a crush on me to be my lover...
but only now i know that a true lover is not only just a person that has a crush on you but also is a true friend..
a true friend is hard to get  and
true lover that were also true friend is harder to find..

i had found that person that always message me when the time i need her
she always give me support  when i have bad result
she settle my confusion every time i had one
give advice when  i need one..
always help me in the way that she could...
humor me with laughter and joke...

i found her once but she gone with the wind...
just nice to talk to her..
only she in north 
and i'm in east...
 maybe she had found someone i just move on

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